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Other Information:

Here are the rules and regulations of The Kalta Coordinance. Please check in this often. You will be held to it that you have seen this as it is updated.



  1. You must first respect everyone of their individuality.
  2. You must accept what someone believes to be true to them even if you do not wish to do so.
  3. You must help those you can.
  4. You must try your best not to use profanity or vulgarity
  5. You must respect the mods, Admins, Etc. (Yes that includes Srakaina)
  6. You must remain active on the forums. (Suggested posting at least every 1-2 days)
  7. You must keep all of Kalta's secrets secret.



You will each be given 3 Warnings. Warning 1 will consist of no punishment. Warning 2 will result in a demotion of rank. And warning 3 will result in a 72 hour probation. After that probation period you will have 2 weeks. If in that 72 hours or 2 weeks you break another rule you will be expelled from the team. If you make it through without further trouble you will be reinstated to Officer and have to work yourself up.


Demoted directly to the lowest ranking status.. After judgement is reached may be subject to a promotion to original status. If not promoted will remain in this state for 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks official will be given no warnings. If this official violates the rule they will be subject to immediate termination from the group. They will be set as inactive until judgement is reached. If judgement is not reached they will be removed from the group. If official makes it through the 2 weeks they will be set to officer and will be put back into the system.


Promotions will be dealt with on a trial to trial basis. Also it is up to the nearest ranking member higher than your current rank. If they deem you worthy you may be accepted or denied depending on the supreme commanders judgement.

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